Speak up or Steer Clear?
Do you stand for yourself and others, or do you avoid conflict-even it means getting stepped on?
1. A boy trips and drops his lunch tray. You try to help, but your friend grabs your arm and tells you not to. You......
a. Stay seated, but you give the boy a kind look.
b. Pull you arm away and say to your friend," Some has to help him. I'd help if it were you."
c. Say to your friend,"What's your problem? You're so mean!"
2. Caitlyn tells all the girls in your class to wear pink on Wednesday-all the girls except for Lauren. You've been told not to tell Lauren. So you....
a. Feel bad for Lauren, but you mind your own business.
b. Decide that you don't want to be part of hurting someone's feelings. You wear green the next day.
c. Secretly try to convince the others to wear green like you. That way Caitlyn will feel left out instead.
3.While you're waiting in the lunch line, a classmate comes up, gives you a dirty look, and cuts in front of you. You.....
a. do nothing. It's just not worth it.
b. Say,"You could've asked. I would've let you in."
c. Say,"Hey, jerk! What do you think you're doing?"
4. A girl on the playground asks you a personal question. You don't trust her. You respond by saying......
a. "I dunno," and make a quick exit.
b. "I'm not sure why you're asking asking me. It's a pretty personal, don't you think?"
c. "That's none of your business. And i wouldn't tell you even if we were friends."
5. Every Friday is popcorn day at school. A girl in your class expects you to give her some quarters to get a bag of popcorn. You say.....
a. Nothing. After all, you've been giving her money for a few weeks in a row, and you don;t want to hurt her feelings.
b. "I wanted to give you the head-up that I don't have extra quarters."
c. "I'm tired of using me. Don't you have you own money?"
6. Puppies your absolute most favorite thing in the world. Everyone knows it. One, day a girl in your class forms a "puppy club," but she says that you can't join. You......
a. shrug your shoulders and find someone else to play with.
b. Say."That's O.K. I wouldn't want to be in a club that excludes people, anyway."
c. Say,"No problem. I'll start my own club and invite everyone but you."
7. Two girls in your class are looking at you, whispering and giggling. You know they are making fun of you. o you......
a. Show them how hurt you feel, but you say nothing.
b. Raise your eyebrow and say,"C'mon, guys. Is that necessary?"
c. Walk right up to them and say," What's the matter? Are you too scared to say that to my face?"
If you choose mostly A's:
You try your best to steer clear of trouble, even if it means not getting the thins you want. Sometimes your easy, breezy style works well for you. Other times, you might end up feeling like a doormat because you let people walk all over you. Finding your voice and letting others know how you feel is your challenge. Work harder to be heard.
If you choose mostly B's:
You know how to tell people what's on your mind, while at the same time considering the feelings of others around you. People will admire your approach to problems and appreciate the honesty and kindness that you bring to problem solving.
If you choose mostly C's:
You have no trouble telling people how you feel, and nobody is going to stomp on you-that's for sure. The trouble is, you might be pushing people away. You won't gain respect if you don't watch out for other people's feelings. Stay strong, but work on your approach.
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