Would you.......
1. Sing karaoke in front of a big group of people.
-No way
-Um, maybe
-Count me in!
2. Go for a swim in the middle of the ocean.
-No way
-Um, maybe
-Count me in!
3. Camp for one night in a cave.
-No way
-Um, maybe
-Count me in!
4. Take a trip on a plane by yourself.
-No way
-Um, maybe
-Count me in!
5. Walk up to a famous person actor, say hi, and introduce yourself.
-No way
-Um, maybe
-Count me in!
6. Hold a large Iguana at a zoo.
-No way
-Um, maybe
-Count me in!
7. Buy something from a store clerk whose language you don't speak.
-No way
-Um, maybe
-Count me in!
8. Spend a year living on a boat.
-No way
-Um, maybe
-Count me in!
9. Raise your hand if a performer onstage asked for a volunteer from the audience.
-No way
-Um, maybe
-Count me in!
10. Go for a ride on a camel.
-No way
-Um, maybe
-Count me in!
11.Ride on a zip line.
-No way
-Um, maybe
-Count me in!
12. Try a food you never heard of.
-No way
-Um, maybe
-Count me in!
Adventure Meter
Mostly "No Way."
You're most comfortable when you go with what you know. Just make sure that you're not missing out on fun by never taking a chance on somethings that's new to you.
Mostly "Um, maybe."
You dare with car. You like to have fun, but you usually ask questions and think about the risks before you take the plunge and try something different.
Mostly "Count me in!"
You don't shy away when it comes to trying new things. You figure that you won't know if you'll like something until you've tried it-and you probly try lots of things.
What are you? Comment and tell us!!!
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Please keep it appropriate if you don't like it just say It was boring or something you don't have to bring bad language in it THANK YOU ;)